
Type: Special


occipital - testicle

ear - ovary

ear (R) - ear (R)

testicle - ear



This pair refers to negative energies of the paranormal type, which are also known as energy parasites, which can cause various psychic, emotional, energetic or physical disorders.
In colloquial form what is called black magic, witchcraft, possessions ...
Frequently it can be accompanied by other pairs or pathogens such as Rickettsias (heel-heel).

Dr. David Goiz Martinez refers in his guide the Occipital-Testicle pair. In other guides the Ovarian - Ovary Pair (even in man) is presented that is applied for the same purpose. In the case of this second pair, first apply both poles on the right side of the patient and then check if they appear on the left.

Other techniques such as reiki, rituals for cleaning, spiritual ceremonies to purify the person´s aura can be applied.

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