Steptococcus Agalactiae

Type: Bacterium


knee external ligament - lumbar square.

knee internal ligament - mesenterc

lip - lip



Also known as Group B Estreptecocus or GBS. spherical-shaped bacteria are a regular part of the flora of the small intestine in humans. In studies, at least 30% of humans appear without being pathogenic; however, it can cause complications in infants and immunosuppressed patients, in which case it can be very dangerous.

A symptom reported by several biomagnetists is heaviness in legs.


The bacterium inhabits the small intestine, occasionally it can reach the large intestine and from there, due to its proximity, it enters the vagina. It is common sexual transmission (check the couple).

This bacterium is also found in several species of animals, so it is not ruled out that it can be acquired by this means. (check with bioenergetic test)


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