Breast cancer

Type:Complex disease


This is one of the types of cancer that most affects women, after cervical cancer, a type of cancer that can also occur in men. Performing a periodic self-examination is a minimum measure of prevention, in addition to imaging studies such as mammography, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or ultrasound. The biopsy is the complementary study that confirms the malignancy of the tumor.

These are some of the warning signs that should be known:


  • Alteration of the shape or size of the breast
  • Lump or pellet in the breast in the direction of the armpit
  • Any sudden and abnormal discharge in the breast (fluid, blood)
  • Inverted nipple or sore in the nipple area
  • Changes in the skin of the chest: irritation, roughness, dimples, orange peel
  • Increase in temperature in the breast
  • Swelling and / or pain

Risk factor's:

The main risk factors can be genetic: it increases the possibility of having breast cancer if a close relative has suffered it. Having previously suffered the disease (recidivism). Habits of life, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, alcoholism, drugs, high-fat diet and sugars increase the risk, while healthy habits such as exercise, taking care of weight, avoiding drugs and dieting with vegetables in abundance reduce the risk.

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