Cervical and Vaginal Cancer

Type: Complex disease

contracecum - contracecum

prostate - rectum

scapula - scapula

clitoris - anus

urethra - ureter



We are talking about two different types of cancer. Vaginal cancer is located in the walls of the vagina and is rare. Bordetella pertusis is one of the most common pathogens.

While cervical cancer occurs in the cervix and is more common, the main causative factor is human papilloma virus. This disease can start as a cervical dysplasia, antineoplastic pairs can be applied.

In both cases, unprotected sex is one of the main causes, having had more than 3 sexual partners, having several births, being over 30 years old; To the above we add factors such as smoking, alcoholism and unhealthy lifestyle.

In the treatment of cancer check especially the pairs of fungi and particularly the candida albicans. Special pairs can also be applied as Alkaline spot, the Gene Pair or kidney =. It is not superfluous to remember that in cases of cancer, an exhaustive search is required to find all the causative agents.


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