Streptococcus B

Type: Bacterium


cardiac - adrenal

burs - elbow

cardiac - heart

cervical 2,3- cervical 2,3

thoracic 11 - thoracic 11

lower maxilla - lower maxilla

lip - lip

lumbar 3 - lumbar 3



Alterations at cardiac level, esophageal varices and rheumatic fever, hypertension, gastritis, joint pain.

The presence of streptococcus b in adults usually has no symptoms, but can cause some minor infections such as bladder or urinary tract infection. It is more dangerous its presence in pregnant women since it can harm the fetus; the same as in neonates.


The bacteria live in the intestines and in the urinary and genital tracts. It lives naturally in humans. Its contagion is very difficult through food, water or contact with objects. It is unlikely to be trasmitted by sexual contact.


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