Streptococcus G

Type: Bacterium


bladder - bladder

axillary artery - axillary artery

sacrum - bladder

gastrocnemus -gastroctemus



Streptococcus G. Bacteria.

Pleural pain, kidney problems, and scarlet fever (rash-like skin spots). In children it can cause nocturia (involuntary expulsion of urine during sleep), and in adults urinary incontinence;  the infected bladder contracts and becomes hard and urinates frequently. Urethral bleeding, combined with streptococcus "A" (Brachial) causes psoriasis.

Streptococcus G belongs to the genus of coccus-shaped, gram-positive bacteria that reproduce by bipartition on their axial axis. They are part of the habitual flora of humans, rarely cause pathology.


They are opportunistic bacteria; present in the human organism. 

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