Hiatal Hernia

Type: Dysfunction


hiatus - hiatus



The dysfunction of the esophagus can have multiple causes such as infections, systemic, metabolic or nervous system alterations. Since the esophagus depends on the peristaltic movement to fulfill its function, the first symptom is dysphagia or difficulty swallowing.

Achalasia is a dysfunction of the esophagus caused by the lack of relaxation of the sphincter of the cardia, may be due to infections (pathogen rivisar) or be of neurogenic type. It is a rare condition and occurs between 25 to 60 years.

Gastroesophageal reflux It is also due to a dysfunction of the cardia, in this case letting the contents of the stomach go back to the esophagus.
The hiatal hernia consists in that a portion of the stomach rises through the diaphragm and invades the thorax. The cause is the weakening of the support tissues that can be due to chronic infections, smoking, type of diet, metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes). Also to emotional cuestriones like brains (bile spill), stress or nervousness. Look for pathogens in the area, especially Staphylococcus aureus negative.


The main symptom is gastroesophageal reflux, meaning that stomach acids invade the esophagus, which causes heartburn, dry cough, bronchial asthma, abdominal and / or chest pain, bad breath and difficulty swallowing .


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