Respiratory diseases

Type: Multiple causes


There are many diseases of the respiratory tract, mostly caused by pathogens. Infectious diseases are exacerbated in the autumn and winter months. The most frequent contagion is by air. The most vulnerable groups are children, the elderly and pregnant women. Some of them can be prevented by vaccination.
According to the place where they are located they are divided into diseases of the upper respiratory tract (head throat) and lower (chest); Symptoms may include:

  • Sinusitis. Sinus and frontal sinus congestion
  • Pharyngitis. Inflammation of the throat
  • Laryngitis. Inflammation of the larynx
  • Otitis. inflammation of the ear
  • Rhinitis. Nasal congestion
  • Dyspnoea. It consists of difficulty in breathing, it can be due to several conditions such as COPD, allergic reaction, bronchitis, pneumonia, heart disease or even gastritis.
  • Bronchitis. inflammation of the bronchi
  • Pneumonitis. inflammation of the lung limited to the interstitium due to various causes such as pátogens (most common viruses), irritants or allergic reactions. 
  • Cough. Commonly caused by various pathogens or irritants of the respiratory tract.

In addition to the pathogens there are also a number of substances that affect the respiratory tract:irritants, inhalants, cigarettes, toxins, animal hairs, mites (parasites). Asbestos is a material that increases the risk of lung cancer. The sensitivity of each person to these substances is different.

Less frequent causes may be the alteration of other organs that may affect the respiratory system, such as gastroesophageal reflux that can cause cough.

Related Pairs:

Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis:

Pulmonary Emphysema:

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