The biomagnetic pair

Virus pathogens

You can also check viruses by Pairs in alphabetical order

A | B | C | D | E | F-G | H | I | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | X_Z

A Trastorno  
1 Adenovirus hepatic ligament - kidney (R)
2 Adenovirus 31 liver - adrenals
3 Adenovirus 36 pancreas - tail of pancreas
4 Aftosa virus carina - carina
5 Astrovirus diaphragm - pillorus
6 Common cold gallblader - kideny
7 Citomegalovirus eye - eye
8 Coronavirus urethra - urethra
9 Coxsackie sternum handle - sternum handle
10 Chikungunya descending colon- anus
11 Dengue hypophysis - bladder
12 Dengue hemorrhagic ray bulb - bladder
13 Distemper canino, moquillo tongue - jaw
15 Ebolavirus foot arc - foot arc
16 Eipstein Barr occipital - occipital
17 Epstein Barr (reservoir) heel - heel
18 Encephalitis, viral parietal - parietal
19 Enterovirus malar - malar
F - G    
20 Frontal Sinusitis frontal sinus- frontal sinus
21 Guillen Barré pineal - ray bulb
22 H1N7 virus gallbladder - spleen
23 Hanta virus mole - kidney
24 Hemorrhagic Dengue ray bulb - bladder
25 Hepatitis B pleura - liver
26 Herpes (all) pineal - hipophysis
27 Herpes I ascending colon - descending colon
28 Herpes 2 angina - angina
29 Herpes 3 ulna - ulna
30 Herpes 4 comissure - comissure
31 Herpes 5 renal caliz - ureter
32 Herpes 6 femoral nerve - femoral nerve
33 Herpes 7 bladder - rectum
34 Herpes 8 occipital - occipital
35 Herpes 9 cauda equina - cauda equina
36 Herpes (reservoir) pineal - hipothalamus
37 HIV 1 rectum - thymus
38 HIV 2 adductor - adductor
39 HIV 3 inguinal nerve - inguinal nerve
40 HIV 4 minor trochanter - minor trochanter
41 HIV - Aids thymus - rectum
42 HTLV virus suprapubic - suprapubic
43 HTLV2 virus inguinal nerve - inguinal nerve
44 HTLV4 virus minor trochanter - minor trochanter
45 Influenza virus trachea - trachea
46 Measles stomach - adrenal
47 Meningitis viral spinal bulb - thyroid
48 Nasal Sinusitis nasal sinus - nasal sinus
49 Newcastle virus ray bulb - cerebelum
50 Nile Virus pancreas ligament - spleen
51 Norwalk virus douglas bag - femoral nerve
52 Orf virus orbital floor - orbital floor
53 Orthohepadnavirus pleura (R) - liver
54 Paramixovirus annex - annex
55 Parotiditis pudendo - pudendo
56 Papilloma virus prostate - rectum
57 Polyomavirus temporal (L) - temporal (L)
58 Polyomielitis sciatic - sciatic
59 Prions cardiac - temporal
60 Rabies armipt - armpit
61 Rabies virus III urethral sphincter - urethral sphincter
62 Reovirus willis polygon - willis polygon
63 Respiratory Syncytial Virus eyebrow - eyebrow
64 Rosacea tip of pancreas - suprailiac
65 Roseola inguina nervel - liver
66 Rotavirus coccyx - coccyx
67 Rubella thymus - parietal
68 Smallpox appendix - tongue
69 SV-40 virus sigmoid - rectum
70 Traveller Virus hepatic central duct -central descending mucosa
71 Tuberculosis supraespinatus - supraespinatus
72 Typhus exanthematous temporal (R) - temporal (R)
73 Vaccinia appendix - femoral vein
74 VIH-Sida thymus - rectum
75 Viral Pleuritis pleura - pleura
76 Viral Sinusitis frontal sinus - frontal sinus
77 VK Virus hematopancreatic blister - kidney (L)
W - Z    
78 Warts tip of the pancreas - spleen
79 XMRV Virus liver - pancreas
80 Yellow fever pancreas ligament - descending colon
81 Zika transverse colon - kidney (L)





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