Sepsis or septicemia

Type: Multiple causes



It is a syndrome that encompasses a series of physiological, pathological and biochemical abnormalities caused by an infection. The immune system triggers a systemic inflammatory response that may be accompanied by alterations in the blood (leukosytosis or leukopenia); coming to seriously compromise the oxygenation of the tissues causing a multiorganic disfunction, putting at risk the life of the patient.


  • Fever
  • Hypothermia
  • Tachycardia
  • Tachypnea (increased respiratory rate)
  • Leukositosis (increase in white blood cells> 11,000 x mm3)
  • Leukopenia (decrease in leukocytes <3,000 x mm3)
  • Rash
  • Mental confusion

Anyone can present this picture but it is more common in babies and children, people with the immune system depressed, HIV-AIDS patients, Cancer, Diabetes, Lupus ..., the elderly, people who have suffered burns or severe physical trauma.

Sepsis is classified as uncomplicated sepsis, as a result of common respiratory infections, gastrointestinal or abscesses, and so on. Severe sepsis occurs when the patient suffers from a vital organ such as heart, liver, kidney, which represents a greater risk and the patient must be treated in a hospital.
Septic shock is the most serious case when vital signs such as blood pressure can not be stabilized and can lead to death (50% of cases). In this case, a quick response is required.

Since sepsis can be due to any pathogen or even to other factors, a complete scan is recommended and, if necessary, it is recommended to go to a hospital emergency unit.

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