
Type: Virus


sciatic - sciatic

douglas bag - douglas bag


It is a condition of the sciatic nerve that causes pain of considerable intensity making it difficult to walk or move.


It affects the sciatic nerve, which runs from the 4th and 5th lumbar and portion of the sacrum (douglas bag) running along the back of the legs until reaching the feet; being one of the longest nerves of the human body. Sometimes there is only gluteal pain in the popliteal fossa, while in other cases pain extends to the foot. Sciatica itself is a symptom that can be an indicator of several factors.


It can be caused by multiple factors such as infections of various types, lack of vitamin B complex or even by autoimmune processes. It is also associated with rough jobs such as those developed by bricklayers, farmers, workers; for being long leaning or carrying heavy lumps, so it is more common in men than women, in proportion of 5 to 3. All these activities are linked to the compression of the lumbar vertebrae and herniated disc, conditions associated with low back pain. The combination of several of the above factors can also be suspected.

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