
Type: Multiple causes


urethra - urethra

kidney - sacrum

prostate - rectum



Hematuria consists of blood leaking into the urine. When blood is visible to the naked eye it is called macroscopic hematuria. If it is only visible under the microscope it is microscopic hematuria. In many cases it should not be a cause for warning, however it is important to know its causes.


Urinary tract infection that causes bleeding from the ureters, bladder and/or urethra. In addition to hematuria, there may be a persistent intense urge to urinate, pain and burning when urinating. You must look for the causative agents.

Other causes. The reddish color in the blood is sometimes due to the consumption of foods such as beets, carrots, etc.; but it is not due to the presence of blood, so it should not be a cause for alarm.

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