
Type: Virus


pleura (R) - liver

gallbladder - gallbladder



HEPATITIS B (viral type*). Main symptoms are: fatigue, digestive system disorders like gastritis, jaundice... Combined with hyperuricemia is the main cause of Gout or Gouty arthritis . Intolerance to some products (alcohol, medicine, fat, etc.). It produces Kaposi's sarcoma (a malignant tumor of the lymphatic endothelium) when it is combined with  HIV. Change the toothbrush and check the whole family.

It is a virus belonging to the Hepadnaviridae family, of very small size, of the order of 42 nm in diameter, of isocahedral form. It is replicated by the reverse transcription method.

* According to Dr. Goiz clasification.


It can be transmitted through any body fluid, including saliva. But mainly through sexual contact and blood, so the following measures should be taken:

  • Use a condom
  • Do not share needles to inject drugs
  • Do not get tattooed or pierced with non-sterile instruments
  • Do not share the toothbrush or razor rake.
  • Do not travel to countries where there are outbreaks of the virus.

The infected woman can infect her baby at the time of delivery or through breast milk.

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